The Tulip Tree

Known as the Tulip Tree due to the shape of its flowers Liriodendron tulipifera is a widely grown in Australia and is a deciduous tree originally from North America. However it is from the UK that it was most likely imported into Australia with Ruth Tindale bringing in examples from Hilliers Nursery in the UK.

Greenish yellow flowers in spring and great autumn color along with attractive winter limbs provide year round interest. Both the species and the fastigate forms have fragrant flowers and aromatic bark.
Flowering in late spring to early summer this is a wonderful specimen tree for a larger garden or park situation, the ‘fastigiate form’ can be used to line driveways or as a deciduous screen or shade tree. Wonderful green foliage turning to a good yellow in autumn.
Liriodendron tulipifera varieties

L. tulipifera fastigiata (also listed as fastigiatum) is an upright cultivar, tall growing easily reaching 15m with around a 4m spread.
The species will reach 20m with a 10m spread a much broader crown. Growth rate is moderate to vigorous reaching 20m in 10 – 15 years.
Generally needing little care once established although older established trees, especially the fastigate forms will benefit from some remedial pruning later in life.
These trees grow well in full sun to part shade a well drained soil is essential although some extra water during our dry summers may be required especially when trees are young.
Liriodendron tulipifera is available from the following growers
"Propagation and Production of Native and Exotic Trees
with Natural Root Systems from 2 to 2,000 lts."
WINTER HILL TREE FARM Ph: 02 4878 9193 Fax: 02 4878 9109
NSW Southern Highlands
Retail & Wholesale. Advanced trees & hedging. Grown in pots for year-round planting. 45 litre - 1000 litre available. Great range. Great Quality. Delivery available.
One of Australia's largest wholesale trade nurseries. Over 30,000 species available, tubestock to advanced trees, an almost unlimited choice of plants.
55 McDougal Rd Neerim South Victoria 3831 PH: (03) 56281507
Advanced ornamental trees and garden designs and concept plans. Direct to your property combined with specialist knowledge and outstanding service.