The herbaceous peony Rose differs from Tree peonies in that they die right back to the ground over winter.

They will still grow up to 2-3 ft. (60-90 cm) tall, long lasting deep green foliage through summer that forms more of a mound with multiple stems.
The foliage often appears with a strong tinge of bronze before Turing to green and is glossy as well as divided which adds texture and interest to the garden after the flowers are finished.
Once the weather cools and frosts appear the foliage will start to die back.
The hebaceous peonies we see today are Paeonia lactiflora cultivars and the are some of the oldest widely cultivated garden plants originating from China, however many Japanese cultivars are also available.
How To Grow Herbaceous peony

Avoid planting hebaceous peonies where they may be subject to root disturbance. Do not plant other plants beneath them or close to the root system.
- Avoid hot afternoon sun and avoid high humidity
- All peonies require an alkaline soil, so check the pH and aim for between 6.5 and 7.5.Add dolomite lime if needed.
- Fertilise regularly for best flowers and growth.
- Ensure the soil is well drained to prevent root problems.
- For largest flowers, leave only one main bud, the one on the central stem and remove the buds on side stems.
Pruning your Herbaceous Peony
The only pruning required is the removal of old foliage after it has died back as well as removing any potential seed heads.
- Removing the foliage helps prevent disease.
- Removing the seed heads before they form puts more energy back into the plant.
When to pick peony flowers

Flowers which will appear in late spring are picked when the flower but is just about to open.
Herbaceous peony varieties
With 100s of varieties or named cultivars available it is difficult to select the best. Base your selection on desired colour and flower form. Some of the better know herbaceous peonies include
- Coral Charm
- Sarah Bernhardt
- Claire de Lune Yellow flowering AGM
- Chiffon Parfait
- Qiao Ling – With flowering
What’s in a name?
The roots of these plants have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. The name Paeonia is from the Greek Paean the God of healing, or physician to the gods.
Also known as Paeëon, Paieon, Paeon or Paion
These are a very fragrant flowering plant, large rounded blooms and regarded highly as cut flowers as well as for symbolising romance. Tea is sometimes made from the small buds along with 2 leaves so we have White Peony Tea (Pai Mu Dan or Bai Mu Dan)