With bright orange to red flowers that attract birds and bees to the garden, Greyia sutherlandii is a small to medium sized shrub with a naturally open framework. Not widely offered for sale, yet ideal for hot dry Australian conditions we think this is a plant that deserves a little more attention by the industry and gardeners.
The flowers appear as dense bottlebrush like spikes and last well as cut flowers. From South Africa, this is a hardy easy care plant once established.
A sunny position with at least 6 hours of sun is best. A well drained soil is essential.
- Dig soil over well before planting and improve drainage if needed.
- Add a little compost and a little aged cow manure
- Plant at the same level as the plant was in the container.
- Water in well with a liquid seaweed fertiliser.
- Mulch around the plant to maintain a cool root run and help suppress weeds.
- Water during long dry periods over the first few summers.
Summary Information
- Botanical Name – Greyia sutherlandii
- Common Name – Natal Bottlebrush, South African Bottlebrush, Beacon Tree.
- Family – Melanthiaceae
- Position – Full sun
- Soil – Well drained.
- Height – To around 3 – 4 metres
- Spread – To around 3 metres.
- Flowers – Bright Orange to Red
- Flowering Time – Spring to summer
- Foliage – Mid green
- Frost tolerance – Medium to light frosts only.
- Drought tolerance – Yes.