Cercis chinensis ‘Avondale’ – The Chinese Redbud.
If you are looking for a small feature tree with brilliant spring colour, Cercis chinensis ‘Avondale’ could well be worth consideration.
One of the best forms of Cercis chinensis, this is a small growing deciduous tree that grows well in most cool to temperate climates.
Masses of deep purple flowers appear along the bare stems in early spring. The flowers are held close to the stems and appear in large clusters.
As the flowers fade the foliage appears.
Because of its naturally small size, Cercis chinensis ‘Avondale’ works well in a number of landscaping situations. As a feature plant in a small garden or courtyard, as well as large gardens where what it lacks in size, it makes up for in brilliant colour.
Also suited for use as a street tree, where its height allows it to be planted beneath power lines.
Also known simply as the Avondale Cercis, look for a plant with a good strong central leader when purchasing.

Cercis chinensis ‘Avondale’ Care
Soil preparation before planting includes digging in some well rotted compost and ensuring that drainage is good.
After planting, water in well with a liquid seaweed fertiliser. Mulch around the plant to maintain a cool moist root run.’
Prune immediately after flowering to maintain shape and size. During long dry periods in summer, the occasional deep soaking may be required.
Cercis chinensis ‘Avondale’ – The Chinese Redbud – Summary
- Position – Full sun.
- Soil – Humus rich, moist and well drained.
- Height – Will reach around 3 metres – easily pruned.
- Spread – Will spread to around 2 metres.
- Foliage – Mid green and heart shaped.
- Flowers – A deep purple to cerise pink
- Flowering period – spring.
Cercis chinensis ‘Avondale’ is available for sale from the following nurseries
Carey Gully, Adelaide Hills.
Family business selling a large range of deciduous trees in pots 1-4m high. Crepe myrtle specialist. Includes Ornamental pears & plums, Red maples, Japanese maples, Gingko, Cercis, Ash, Birch, Crab apples, Weeping cherries, Gleditsia, Liquidambar and more. Hedging plants, evergreen trees & fruit trees.