Native to North America, Amelanchier canadensis is also known as the Serviceberry. It does love damp conditions however it is a versatile plant.
This is a deciduous shrub or small tree it is mainly grown for the show of white flowers in spring, added attractions of good autumn colour and in between purple berries.
This is an early flowering shrub, the new foliage is tomentose, covered with fine hairs.
Upright in habit, it can reach 6m (30 ft) in height with a spread to around 3m (15ft).
It is used a flowering tree, where the flowers attract bees and birds too the garden. The flowers appear in clusters, usually before the leaves emerge.
Flowers are followed by red berries that turn to deep purple said to taste like blueberries they are used in jams and preserves.
Foliage turns a red to orange in autumn.
How To Grow Amelanchier canadensis – Basic Care and uses
An easy care plant in the right conditions, sun to part shade, humus rich moist soil.
An easy care plant in the right conditions, sun to part shade, humus rich moist soil.
It will send up a number of upright stems and will tolerate periods of wet soil.
This is a fast growing tree and is best left with its natural shape, pruning is more to rejuvenate the tree by removing old stems, or perhaps remove lower branches to create a higher crown.
Best pruned in spring just after flowering. You can reduce the number of stems and remove any errant or criss crossing growth. Damaged growth can also be pruned away.
- Flowering Time – Spring
- Planting time – Autumn to Winter
- Sun – Full sun to part shade, not deep shade.
- Water – Moist, fairly drought tolerant, some additional water in very dry summers
- Propagation – From cuttings, dividing clumps, from seed
- Care – Mulch well, prune to shape in winter.
Amelanchier canadensis is available for sale from the following nurseries
125 Palmer Rd Jindivick 3818
Open Thursday - Sunday 10am - 4pm
Specialising in growing and selling Rare and Unusual Trees, shrubs Perennials Bulbs and Climbers, a unique nursery with amazing stock.