If you are looking for an easy Daphne species to grow then Daphne tangutica could well be the one for you. It is more tolerant of soil and light than most others and is free flowering.
Regarded as evergreen to semi deciduous, this will depend on the climate and the season. Fragrant flowers in spring followed by red berries. Flowers are usually white with red tinges however some have pastel lilac tones.
Reaching a heigh of around 1m with a similar spread Daphne tangutica is best in light shade or at least with protection from the hot afternoon sun.
A humus rich moist but well drained soil is best. For good results mulch each spring with a well rotted compost and some ages animal manure. A little liquid seaweed fertilizer in spring works wonders.
Pruning is generally not required, although any damaged or dead growth should be removed.
Daphne tangutica Summary
- Amend soil by digging in lots of well rotted compost
- Plant in a part shaded position in a free draining soil
- Water in well with a liquid seaweed solution
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