Auriculas are an Alpine plant, the grow best with very good drainage and protection from hot sun. Often grown indoors so that drainage and climate can be controlled, they can be grown outdoors in the right conditions.
The flowers appear in clusters and vary greatly in colour, yellow. red, mauve and pink with a range of tones, often with a contrasting eye to the flower. Green forms are also available.
What we call Primula Auricula have been developed over nearly 400 years. Very popular in the Victorian era where display stand or ‘Auricula Theatres’ were used to show of the colourful flowers which appear in spring.
These Auricula theatres are display cases where the plants, grown in pots are displayed, particularly popular in the Elizabethan era and usually in the grounds of stately homes.
Primula auricula classifications
Show Types
Alpine Types
Light Centred
Gold Centred

How To Grow primula Auricula
The key to growing these colourful perennials is the amount of sun and the provision of good drainage.
In terms of sun they requires a semi shaded position, morning sun and dappled afternoon shade works well, however the amount of shade will depend on the climate zone. The warmer the zone the more shade, avoid any hot summer sun.
Primula auricula must have a free draining soil, wet soggy soils, particularly during winter dormancy will cause root rot and death of the plants. This is one reason why many growers plant them pots, and usually terracotta pots which do provide good drainage.
Grow Primula Auricula – 6 Steps
- During winter months keep the soil or potting mix reasonably dry but never completely dry.
- In spring when first signs of new growth appear its time to give them some water, increase watering as the plants begin to put on more growth. This a good time to fertilise with a high potash type fertiliser to improve flowering. Tomato fertilisers are usually high in potash, so worth a try.
- In summer keep the plants shaded, and water as the soil drys, a wet/dry cycle of watering works well.
- In autumn the plants will start to loose leaves, they will yellow and drop off. Its time to reduce watering ready for winter.
- All year round remove any dead foliage as it appears, you can also use a fungicide if stem rot becomes an issue.
- Every two to three years divide the plants, and the best time to divide Auriculas is in spring. Newly divided and repotted plants often produce better flowers than older clumps.
More Primula Varieties