Salty Ice Plant

This is an unusual plant that is increasingly popular with chefs. The name comes from the look of the leaves and stem as well as the taste of the leaves.
The flavour is best described as salty, and it can be steamed and served with fish. It can also be eaten raw where its crunchy texture and salt flavour are a tasty treat.
As a bonus, both the leaves and stems can be eaten, and the leaves can be crushed and used as a soap substitute. The flower buds are also decorative and edible.
Its very easy to grow from seed, it is drought tolerant and tolerates poor soils as long as they are well drained. It does need full sun and it also needs a frost free environment.
This is a plant that naturally grows in sandy coastal areas.
Usually from seed sown in spring.
- Sow the seeds directly into a large pot using a well drained potting mix.
- Space seeds at around 10 cm apart and thin to 20cm.
- Water seeds well until they germinate
- Pick for eating as the leaves become large enough.
If you are growing this plant for the leaves you could try growing it boxes of decomposed seaweed where it seems to thrive.
Other Mesembryanthemum Species
- Botanical Name – Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
- Family – Aizoaceae
- Common Names – Ice Plant, Salty Ice Plant
- Leaves – Mid green and ‘bumpy’
- Flowers – White from pink buds
- Flowering Time – Summer
- Soil – Well drained
- Position – Full Sun
- Height – To around 10 cm
- Spread – To around 20 cm
- Drought Tolerant – Yes
- Frost Tolerant – No