Tatsoi – A Japanese Leafy green
Its a fast growing leafy green and easy to grow, and it is Tatsoi.
Like many leafy greens it is rich in vitamins, it is a little similar to Bok Choy, however with a different growth habit, and as with most, a different taste profile.
It is another cool season Japanese mustard green, and as with many of these leafy greens a number of different varieties with different taste profiles are available.
How do you use Tatsoi?
Use the young Tatsoi leaves in salads, older plants including the stems are best in a stir fry. You will see flower buds forming, these to can be eaten as long as they are still closed.
How some young leaves in a risotto, or even into a soup. Use it in salad with a tahini, lemon and shame oil dressing. This is a versatile leafy vegetable.
How to grow Tatsoi
- You can grow Tatsoi from seed or seedlings. A rich moist soil is best, and a position where it gets good sun, yet protection from the heat of the afternoon in warmer climates. From sowing seed to harvest is around 6 weeks, although you can pick some of the small leaves earlier if you wish.
- The young leaves are the tastiest, and as you will not see Tatsoi for sale in the shops, you will need to grow your own.
- Seeds can be sown directly, if growing from seedlings, be careful not to disturb the roots when transplanting.
- The best time to plant it is from autumn through to late spring. Sequential sowing of seeds each month will ensure a continuous supply.
- We suggest watering with a liquid seaweed fertiliser every two weeks. Make sure that the soil does not dry out, although this is not much of a problem in winter to spring.
- You can grow it in containers.
- Pick off any dead foliage to prevent disease.
- At the end of the season, remove the plants and compost them.
To Buy Tatsoi, try the following nurseries
KALLINYALLA NURSERY – Phone: 0428822725.
Shaen St Port Lincoln, SA, 5606
KLEMZIG GARDEN CENTRE – Phone: 08 8369 0338
32 O G Rd Klemzig, SA, 5087
In Victoria try
MT EVELYN GARDEN CENTRE - Phone: (03) 9736 1162
126 York Rd, Mount Evelyn VIC 3796
Excellent range of herbs and vegetables, full range of general nursery lines, pots and garden statues
AJS BULLOCK NURSERY – Phone: 03 9890 3162
48 Cosier Dr Noble Park, VIC, 3174
ACORN NURSERY – Phone: 03 5141 1900 673
Canterbury Rd Surrey Hills, VIC, 3127
AUSSIE GOLD PLANT NURSERY – Phone: 03 5428 7929
126 Amess Rd Riddells Creek, VIC, 3431
In New South Wales
Try BERRIMA COTTAGE NURSERY – Phone: 02 4877 2929
28 Old Hume Hwy Berrima, NSW, 2577
BALCONY IN BLOOM – Phone: 02 9905 2462
10 Green St Brookvale, NSW, 2100
ANNANDALE GARDEN CENTRE – Phone: 02 9660 0874
36 Booth St Annandale, NSW, 2038
5366 Elizabeth Dr Bonnyrigg Heights, NSW, 2177