Onion weed – Removal and Control
It can be a daunting task to control onion weed which is a invasive (and smelly) plant, however it can be done. Asphodelus fistulosus is the botanical name for this hollow-stemmed weed and it is a common problem.
Onion weed (Allium triquetrum, Asphodelus fistulosus and Nothoscordum inodorum) are a weed that spread both by seed and by multiplication of underground corms.
Two methods of control have proved to be effective, the first is removal by digging the second is by using a weed killer.
How to control Onion weed by Digging.
The preferred method is to dig the plants as they appear in spring, use a strong garden fork to loosen the plants and remove completely, early spring is the best best before they set flower and start to produce the under ground bulblets that difficult to remove.
Plants need to be destroyed, NOT composted. You will need to do this each year for 3 -4 years, however it can be done.
How to control Onion weed with Weed Killer.
Onion weed seems resistent to weed killers, however if you use a high strength solution along with some dishwashing liquid to help break down the glossy foliage you will find that even onion weed gives in. You will need to spray each week for 3 weeks to have much effect, and again you will need to repeat for a few years as those underground bulblets will not all be killed the first time around.
The problem with weed killer is that it will also kill everything else and it is not that environmentally friendly, however in sever infestations this may be the only option.
If you can’t dig it all up in the one year, do not let the flowers set seed.