Blue Mountains Flora PO Box 6033,
Ph/Fax: 02 4782 6543
Alphabetical Plant Listing
Japanese Maples prefer a sunny to part shaded aspect sheltered from hot drying summer winds. They perform best if given consistent watering through spring and summer, but not to excess. Japanese Maples prefer a well drained soil or tub mix if in pots. Mulch well with organic mulch.
Acer japonicum
Desirable sturdy, strong growing small to medium deciduous tree with brilliant tones of yellow, orange and red in autumn.
Large deep green dissected leaves give a lacy appearance during spring and summer then turning to intense tones of scarlet through to purple persist well into autumn. Prominent seeds also colour and persist into autumn. 5m high.
Green Cascade
Weeping or pendulous form of the species growing very similar to dissectum types of Acer palmatum. Rich green lace like deeply dissected leaves turning brilliant yellow/orange/crimson in autumn.
Green coral is the meaning of the name for this upright cultivar as the bark
colouration is a bright pea green intensifying in winter. The bright green leaves
turn to yellow in autumn. Makes for a useful contrast with ‘Sango kaku’. 6- 8m high
Sango kaku
Coral red colouring of the bark is a dominant feature of this upright cultivar with the tones brightening in autumn and into winter. Leaf colour progresses form bright green tinged with red when young, turning to lighter green in summer then onto yellow/golden tones blended with reds and apricots in autumn. Fast growing when young to a mature height of 8m.
Omure yama
After attaining the height from small shrub to small tree the branches of this upright cultivar become pendulous and willowy cascading around the perimeter. Closed slender lobes of the leaves emphasize pendulous effect, which progress in colour from bright orange on the edges to a brilliant green in summer then through to gold and crimson in autumn. 5m after 20yrs
Pink Glow
A selected seedling grown by Mt Wilson nurseryman Mr Smart. Similar shape
and form to the usual Acer palmatum but with more pronounced spring
colouring. Also colours well in autumn.
Outstanding popular upright tree to 6-8m high. The edges of the deeply lobed and serrated leaves roll down giving an unusual and pleasing effect. Exhibits a good deep purple red colour maintained well into summer, changing to reddish green/bronze when in full sun, turning to crimson in autumn.
Villa Taranto
Hardy dome shaped tree to 3m high. Long narrow lobed leaves emerge orange
crimson becoming green/light red overtone when in sun, turning yellow to gold in autumn.
Unless specified the following varieties of the dissected leaved Japanese Maples are grafted as standards. As such their mature height and width will be approximately 1-2m x 1-2m maximum after 10 years. Due to their weeping, cascading habit, all the listed varie ties are ideal as specimen garden plants or as tub specimens.
Bronze leaved
Bronze spring and summer growth through to golden yellow in Autumn
Bronzed leaved low grafted
Same as above but grafted low on rootstock to develop into a mounded plant
Crimson Queen
Persistent good deep red colour through spring and summer turning to extremely bright scarlet in autumn. Strong growing, cascading form develops as it matures.
Dissectum Nigrum (Ever Red)
New shoots and foliage covered with fine silvery hairs, turn to rich, deep red, holding this colour well. Partial shade helps to preserve colour. Autumn colours to rich,
bright red tones. Strong, vigorous cultivar.
Emerald Lace
Deeply dissected lacy leaved. New foliage passes from yellow green to deep green then turning bright burgundy red in autumn. Provides a good contrast with other dissectum varieties.
Rich red/orange colouring develops if grown in a sunny aspect, holding well through the season. Leaves are more robust than most dissectums. Durable landscape
plant establishing a mature size in a short time.
Inaba shidare
Large sturdy, deep purple red coloured leaves holding well through growing season turning to a crimson tone in autumn. Whilst cascading it is a little more upright in habit and appearance.
Bright orange/red new foliage, maintaining orange flush on red foliage. Outstanding cascading form from an early age forming a cascading mound as it ages. Fiery orange red colouring in autumn.
Sturdy, hardy, strongly cascading green leaved cultivar. Yellow/gold/orange blend for a colourful display in autumn. Originating from the early 1800’s
Shojo Shidare
Deep maroon foliage brightest when new. Rich green tone down centre of each lobe gives the plant a unique appearance.
Tamuke yama
New foliage is a deep crimson changing to a very dark purple as it ages, holding very well through summer. Autumn colour is a bright scarlet. A hardy strongly cascading plant.
Andromeda polifolia
Evergreen shrub preferring well drained, moisture retentive acid soil (will tolerate boggy conditions). Urn shaped flowers on short terminal sprays. Part shade to sun.
White flowers in spring, 20cm high.
‘Blue Ice’
Attractive bluish green leaves, pink flowers, 30cm high.
‘Grandiflora Compacta’
Deep green leaves, pink flowers, 20cm.
Anemone nemorosa
Herbaceous perennial with tufts of basal palmate leaves. Wood Anemones prefer a shaded, moisture retentive position where their delicate flowers will be sure to please. Given these conditions their fine creeping rhizomes will soon establish themselves. Dormant in winter.
Same characteristics of A. nemerosa only with green and white flowers
‘Flore Pleno’
Pure white double form.
Lavender blue petals
x seemanii
A hybrid of A.nemerosa with pale yellow flowers.
Asterolasia Asterolasia trymaloides
Dwarf Australian shrub with yellow star shaped flowers in spring. This form
comes from Bullock’s Flat in the Snowy Mountains and is semi-prostrate with
smaller hairy leaves. Sun to part shade.
Billardiera longiflora White form
Australian climber with narrow leaves and cream/green pendant tubular flowers. Attractive fruits are edible white berries. Cold hardy for sun or part shade.
Blechnum penna-marina
Small creeping cold hardy fern needing full sun or part shade. Creeping rhizomes with short fronds 20cm long. Does well in moist rock crevices when growing in warmer regions or as a potted specimen.
Buxus microphylla Koreana
Compact low growing variety of box hedge. Small rounded glossy green
leaves colour yellow/brown with frost.
Calluna vulgaris
Summer flowering Scots Heather provides year round interest in the garden with a wide array of colours available with the change of seasons. Wind tolerant, extremely cold tolerant, with moderate water requirements, Heathers can find a home in most gardens. They like full sun apart from the gold varieties which can take a little shade. Good drainage required in an acid soil that is not too fertile. Callunas require similar soil and potting requirements to Rhododendrons and Azaleas. Prune to just under the old flowers after flowering to promote a more compact habit.
Andrew Proudley
Yellow foliage tipped orange and red in winter. Lilac pink flowers 30cm high.
Arran Gold
Bright gold/orange foliage with tips turning red in cold winters, mauve flowers 30cm high.
Bud Lyle
Gold foliage turning red in winter, mauve flowers 25cm high.
Dark green foliage, prolific crimson flowers 30c high.
Orange reddish foliage intensifying in winter, crimson flowers 30cm high.
Foxii Nana
Pin cushion habit deep green foliage 20cm high.
Gold Haze
Bright golden foliage, white flowers 40cm high.
Golden Carpet
Golden foliage turning orange in winter 15 cm high.
Silver grey foliage, single white flowers 30cm high
J.H. Hamilton
Dark green foliage deep pink double flowers 15cm
Minima Smiths Variety
Bright green foliage growing in small spires pink flowers 25cm.
Mrs Ronald Gray
Prostrate green foliage purple flowers 10cm.
Mrs Pat
Attractive pink tipped foliage mainly in spring, flower small mauve/pink 20cm
Flat habit, foliage yellow green to bronze/orange in winter mauve flowers 20cm.
Peter Sparkes
Green foliage deep pink double flowers on long spikes 45cm.
Robert Chapman
Yellow/orange to flame red foliage in winter mauve flowers 40cm.
Golden foliage Lavender flowers 45cm.
Serlei Aurea
Soft golden foliage white flowers 45cm.
Silver Cloud
Woolly silver foliage pale lavender flowers 40cm.
Silver Queen
Woolly silver foliage pale lavender flowers 35cm.
Sir John Charrington
Yellow/green foliage turning fiery red in winter lilac pink flowers 30cm.
Dense bronze/green foliage turning yellow in winter Lavender flowers 15cm.
Spring Cream
Spectacular cream new growth in spring maturing to green white flowers 45cm.
Spring Glow
Green foliage with pink/red new spring growth mauve flowers 30cm.
Velvet Dome
Deep green mossy foliage forming a mound 15cm.
White Lawn
Prostrate green foliage white flowers 5cm.
Winter Chocolate
Cream/pink tips on foliage in spring, yellow orange in summer turning
green/brown in winter pale mauve flowers 30cm.
Clematis heracleifolia
Herbaceous non climbing shrub to 1.5m. Small pale blue hyacinth shaped flowers in
summer have slight scent.
Clematis montana ‘Broughton Star’
Deciduous climber to 4-5m. Unusual semi double to fully double cup shaped flowers
4-7cm in late spring. Tepals dusky pink.
Clematis montana ‘Elizabeth’
Deciduous climber with vigorous growth to 7m. Very fragrant pale pink flowers
approximately 6cm in diameter mainly in spring. New growth bronze maturing to dark
green. Can be grown on a pergola, through tall trees, over fences.
Clematis rhamnoides
Chinese non climbing species to 1m. Pale single pink flowers in spring, having rounded sepals with lime green stamens
Convallaria Convallaria majalis var rosea
Pink form of the popular fragrant Lily of the Valley. Loves shade or part shade
and prefers a moisture retentive fertile soil 15cm high.
Native to Western Europe, Daboecias have larger foliage than Ericas with flowers appearing at the end of their branches, that are larger than most Heathers and Heaths. Daboecias require similar conditions to Ericas.
Daboecia cantabrica ‘Alba’
Native of Ireland. Glossy green foliage, flowers white in spring and Summer 30 x 40cm.
‘William Buchanan’
Dark glossy green foliage, flowers reddish purple in spring and summer. Sun , well drained acid soil, 20 x 30cm.
Characteristic bell shaped flowers of white through to mauve. Fine needle like foliage. Ericas require well drained, neutral to acid soil in full sun but will tolerate some shade. Most Ericas dislike lime or manures. Prune after flowering to keep them compact. Frost tolerant.
Erica carnea
Native to alpine Europe. Tolerates lime. Requires only light pruning.
‘Springwood Pink’ Deep green foliage, pink flowers from mid winter 15 x 30cm.
Erica cinerea
Commonly called the Bell Heather. Native to Western Europe including
‘Purple Beauty’
Deep green foliage, purple flowers in summer 30cm high.
‘Golden Drop’
Copper coloured foliage in summer turning reddish in winter. Pink flowers in summer 15 x 22cm.
Erica x darleyensis
A cultivated hybrid from England in late ‘1800’s. One of the easiest heathers to
grow, suitable for most soil types. Good show of flowers from winter into spring
‘Ada Collins’
Green foliage, white flowers 20cm high.
‘Darley Dale’
Attractive and reliable winter to spring flowering. Pale pinkish mauve flowers. Hardy and will tolerate limey soil 45cm high
Meaning molten silver. Dark green foliage. White flowers sometimes tipped slightly with pale pink in winter to spring 45cm high
‘White Perfection’
Green foliage, white flowers in winter 30cm high
Erica erigena
Native to West Ireland, Portugal and Spain
‘Golden Lady’
Golden yellow foliage all year. White flowers in late spring. Slow Growing
‘Irish Salmon’
Green foliage, salmon pink flowers in winter 15cm high.
Erica x stuartii
Natural hybrid native to Ireland, preferring moisture retentive, free draining soils.
‘Irish Lemon’
Lemon yellow spring growth maturing to green, lilac flowers in summer,
erect habit 45cm high.
Erica tetralix
Native to Western Europe. Tolerates boggy conditions.
‘Alba Mollis’
Good show of white flowers in summer. Foliage silver grey, turning green as it
matures. 22cm x 22cm
‘Con Underwood’
Grey green foliage, large crimson flowers in summer 20cm high.
Erica vagans The Cornish Heath is a native of Cornwall, Ireland and through to south west Europe, tolerating slightly alkaline soils
‘Mrs D.F. Maxwell’
Dark green foliage with bright green tips, flowers from mid summer are
deep cerise 30 x 50cm.
Erica x watsonii Natural hybrid from Cornwall, England.
Young foliage has orange-yellow tips maturing to green, rose pink
flowers in summer 25cm high.
Mostly frost hardy annuals and perennials from Europe to c entral Asia, suitable for the rock garden to perennial border. Formerly known as Cheiranthus. Do best in well drained, fertile soil in a sunny position.
hieracliifolium ‘John Codrington’
Slow growing bushy evergreen to 30cm, best treated as biennial. Sweetly scented
flowers open soft yellow and slowly fade to lilac-purple.
‘Orange Flame’
Hardy mat perennial to 10cm with deep orange flowers in spring.
Suitable for the rock garden and containers.
Euonymus Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’
Slow growing shrub/climber to 1m x 1m. Leaves are a darker green with white fringes. Can be trellised or trained as a short wall vine. Welcome winter colour. Morning sun to full shade.
Low growing alpine plants requiring sun to part shade in a well drained, moisture retentive, humus rich soil. Prefers cool climate. Large upright trumpet or bell shaped flowers in shades of blue or white over a mat of glossy green foliage. Divide autumn flowering varieties every three years.
sino ornata alba
White flowering form of the Chinese autumn flowering Gentian. Less
vigorous that the blue forms, divide regularly and dress with rich peaty soil
once or twice a year 5cm high.
x stevenagensis (G. sino ornata x G. veitchiorum)
Flowers deep purple with greenish yellow lines and spots inside in autumn,
prostrate habit.
Native to China. Deep blue flowered form, autumn flowering, prostrate
Herpolirion novae-zelandae
Australian alpine with blue green grass like foliage, stemless light blue flowers in
Kirengeshoma palmata
Beautiful Japanese herbaceous perennial with palmate leaves and lemon yellow
bell shaped flowers 75cm high in summer. Requires shaded position in moisture
retentive soil.
Laurus nobilis ‘Aurea’
Gold form of the well known Bay Tree. Just as useful for a clipped evergreen screen or as a tub specimen. Prefers some shade from summer sun.
Microcachrys tetragona
Spreading prostrate slow growing Tasmanian conifer. Attractive dark green foliage. Sun or part shade in well drained position
Microstrobos fitzgeraldii
Very slow growing coniferous shrub to under 50cm high. Very restricted distribution in the wild, around waterfalls in the Blue Mountains. Fine soft pendulous foliage. Part shade required.
Microstrobos niphophilus
Very slow growing rounded coniferous shrub to 2m high x 1.5m. Minute foliage and cones. Well composted soil in sun or part shade. Good foliage and specimen plant for pots.
Paeonia delavayi var ludlowii
Deciduous tree Paeonia, bright yellow flowers in late spring, dark green leaves with saw toothed margins 2m
Podocarpus lawrencei
Coniferous shrub with variable habit commonly grows to 3m high. Hardy.
Handsome foliage. Suitable for tubs.
Sedum Sedum acre
Very hardy prostrate succulent with gold tinged green foliage. Great for the
rockery or for growing informally through cracks in walls and paving.
Sedum purpurea
Very useful prostrate rockery plant with green/purple succulent foliage
Thalictrum kiusianum
Japanese mat forming perennial. Clusters of tiny pink/white flowers from spring into summer.
Small 3 lobed fern like leaves. Prefers moist shade. 15cm x 30cm
Vancouveria hexandra
North American perennial with pi nk tinged white flowers borne on pendant clusters in mid summer. Thin divided leaves with hexagonal leaflets. Prefers semi shade. 45cm x 1m
Wittsteinia vacciniacea (Baw Baw Berry)
Low spreading plant, 20cm x 1m. Dark green elliptical leaves, tubular greenish-
yellow flowers followed by greenish-white berries. Rockery plant requiring some